Cable Spiking
Cable Spiking and ID Services
High Voltage Services provide specialist engineering teams to carry out cable spiking on underground cables. Our electricians / engineers are fully trained in all aspects of cable spiking and have received the appropriate health and safety training.
HV have the capability to identify cable by connecting a signal generator at a remote point and picking up the unique signal at the point of excavation where the unknown cable is present, we use a BAUR test set to place a high frequency signal down the cable core and back up a second core.
Once the cable has been positively identified we can then spike the cable on request of the customer thus proving the cable is dead and safe to cut away.
We follow stringent current health and safety procedures in all aspects of this work.
Our Procedure:
Follow the identification of a cable. The cable will then need to be spiked to ensure that it is not Live at HV. The following procedure shall be followed:
a) If the process has not already necessitated a Sanction-for-Test, then an SFT must be obtained from Control. A SFT cannot be issued for
idle or abandoned cables that are not part of a network, as Circuit Main Earths cannot be applied.
b) If the cable has been identified by signal injection it is not necessary to disconnect the instrument and re-apply the Earth.
c) The consent of the Technical Authority / Duty Holder must be obtained prior to spiking.
d) Spike the cable.
e) Call Control and ask if any alarms have been received.
We also provide full HV electrical testing services for HV pressure testing up to 68kV and sheath and cable fault identification. We have the test capability to identify and locate cable faults for systems up to 33kV. Read more about our Cable Fault Finding and Repair Services
For further information about HV’s High Voltage Services, please click on the link below: